Friday, December 02, 2005

Dead Man Talking

"Mike, your mobile bill touched 9 this time, so just try keeping it a tad down, if you can", was what my mom told me at the start of the month and of course, I reassured her, as only I can, that I would indeed devote all my energies towards ensuring this. After all, I had reason to believe that this was inevitable really.

The very charming and seemingly competent CSR at the Orange Shop had convinced me that the new scheme I was opting for would reduce my monthly mobile bills considerably.I am a bit vague about what she said (and no, that has nothing at all to do with her least... I hope not) but I do remember that she did an awfully good job of convincing me to opt for that scheme...whatever it was...

This morning then, I received an SMS from Orange thanking me for my payment (through direct debit to my CC) of INR 1449. It made for very pleasant reading which is why my eyes dwelt lovingly on that figure for a tad longer than normal, which was a mistake I think, because all of a sudden, out of nowhere an extra 4 suddenly floated into my screen and was there staring back at me. My eyes goggled and my mind was well anmd truly boggled. I am quite convinced even now that it wasn't there when I first read the message, but now, sure enough, 243 readings later, it's still there...14,449 it says...

Now, I haven't yet heard from home, but I am in no doubt that this time not even my status as the only child (child???) will save me from a butchering...I have drawn up several defence strategies, but don't be surprised if this is the last thing that I ever enter on my blog...for, at the moment it looks very much like a case of "Goodbye Cruel World" for me...

Now, in the remote scenario that I do survive the holocaust, my next will be In Mars We Trust - X. Yes indeedy, women beware ;-). In case ( as I very much fear) I do not survive, you can just re-read the earlier ones and go all dewy-eyed in memory... :-(In Mars We Trust 1, 1+, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 lie this-a-way should you have more time to waste...or of course, if you like blaming everything on women... ;-)


Anonymous said...

n a friend of mine was telling me that *women* r responsible for the profits of telephone companies!...errr..actually, he could be right ;)


Anonymous said...

now tht is huuuuuuuuge!! I would not want to be in ur place fr sure..

err.. is the phone bill gonna b attributed to women too? ;)