Friday, May 06, 2005

Life's a Bi*ch

Been feeling terrible for the past few days. It's at moments like these that you realise how good life is for you, and how little you can do for someone else, no matter how strong your feelings. It also brings home the fact that just doing your best and following the path that seems right is never enough......

I mentioned in a previous post about a certain type of people. But the depressing thing is not that they exist....the disappointing thing is that the consequences of their actions, behaviour and words are borne by others. Others, whose only ostensible mistake was to have been in the vicinity.

I'd like to pay tribute to you, D. The way you're trying and the extents you're going to, to save something that seems irretrievable (to me at least) in the face of all that you are having to endure, is not something that I, or anyone else I know, can do.....perhaps, that is the very problem much is too much?

It's a problem each of us faces at some point or the other...we face a situation where we must decide one way or another. But should you place your own happiness first, or the happiness of persons you care about? Most people would reply that the latter is what we must consider first. And, in my opinion, in most cases they would be wrong....

Several times, people go through things without telling these others. They do so, because they feel that knowing they are unhappy would cause sorrow to them. But that's the very point. You're going through something that these people you're doing it for would hate for you to go through! You're defeating the very purpose....and will, in all probablity, end up causing both parties a misery that could so easily be avoided....

The toughest part of course, is when you wonder if things might change, people might change, circumstances might change....and how perhaps, someday you may regret taking the course of action that suggests itself now. But why? Has anyone ever been able to see the future? Would you be where you are if you had been able to see what was coming? If everything had gone as per the "plan"? Then why let that stop you???


sona said...

hi johnny

i cud understand wat u r thinking n sum strange ppl doing strange things n few not realising wat they r doing n sum realising n thats y doing all such then thats life..n we gotta flow with it...:)

Anonymous said...

there are no how's and why's in life...everybody has a diffrent perception and a varied

Anonymous said...

hey mukund,

hows bombay treatin u?

Darth Midnightmare said...

Bingo Red....Life's like that....and yeah Sona, one does have to take life as it flows....

Anon: Who are ya? And Bombay is treating me ok, I guess......

Anonymous said...

mukund, im an old acquaintance ..hows ur leg now?

Darth Midnightmare said...

Old acquaintance...sure...but why remain an anonymous acquaintance? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...u hav the raging seas.

Nidhi said...
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Nidhi said...
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Nidhi said...

lolz.. im sorry abt the above 2 deleted comments.. i posted a comment twice with stupid typin mistakes :)

hey.. im nu to this blog.. cool blog .. i must say..

u know the actual line is..

life's a bi*ch and then u die :)

nidhi :) :|

Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny! I know how it feels, more bcoz i've just been through it! You just need time buddy, just let time play it's role! That's all you can do! Don't think too much and follow your instincts, and things will fall into places! And here's a Snowdrop smile for ya... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mukund....
Thanks. But you know when u're in THE situation logic n sense dont mean a thing. All that u keep wondering is WHY ME? ANd the only way to stay sane is think about it... wierd as it may sound thats true. Coz the more u run away from a thing the more it haunts u.. n the more u go after it it runs away from u. Intitially, like all i used to think that this will def not happen to me... its meant for others, but YOu never know when it hits u n that kills a part of u. not injures or fractures but kills.